Teaching the Bible and sharing the Gospel 515-262-5026

Homeschool Camp
Homeschool Camp 1 will run Wednesday, April 23rd through Saturday, April 26th. Check-in is from 3-5pm on Wednesday. Parents are welcome to join campers on Saturday for lunch at 11:30am and then a short program before check-out at 1pm.
Junior Camp will run Sunday, July 6th through Friday, July 11th. Check-in is from 3-5pm on Sunday. Parents are welcome to join campers on Friday for dinner at 5:30pm and then a short program before check-out at 7pm.
Teen Camp will run Sunday, July 20th through Friday, July 25th. Check-in is from 3-5pm on Sunday. Parents are welcome to join campers on Friday for dinner at 5:30pm and then a short program before check-out at 7pm.